Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day!

Today I go to stay in my pajamas for an entire day due to the weather canceling everything in Nacogdoches. Ice is a big deal to us in Texas so we basically just shut down. Needless to say, I didn't even walk outside. I was having trouble staying warm in my apartment, and I didn't want to freeze outside. I'm pretty much over the snow. I loved looking at it out the window and being in awe of something so beautiful, but that was the extent of my fascination. Having a day like this made me think about some things I love and some that I don't.

Things I love:
  • Seeing God's creation and being in awe. It doesn't matter if it's blue skies, snow, rain, mountains, or deserts...I'm truly amazed every single day.
  • Naps. Today I had an amazing nap with my favorite blue blanket on my warm and comfortable couch.
  • Laughing. There is nothing like that feeling you have when you've been laughing. Sometimes I laugh even when I'm not happy, and it actually makes me happy. That's a weird theory, but it has worked for me more than once.
  • Snuggling. My husband is probably the world's best snuggler. I call him my human heater because he puts off so much heat. It's wonderful on days like today!
  • Being productive. I wasn't super productive today, but I did finally tackle the chapter that I've been trying to read for a whole week. 
  • Cooking. I'm not a very good cook, but I really love to do it! I hope that my love for it can make me better at it. I can't wait until I have more time to try new things and learn more about it.
  • My niece and nephew. I didn't get to see them today, obviously, but I thought about them non-stop. I know that Clayton was so excited about the snow, and I can just picture him running around talking too fast for anyone to understand as he played his little heart out. My sweet Madison is now crawling...and she's actually making some good distance. It seems too soon.
Things I don't love:
  • Cold weather. I could never ever live somewhere that actually has a winter. I really hate it. I know there are good things like scarves and snuggling to be thankful for, but that isn't enough motivation for me to like freezing.
  • Stress. I am most definitely type A, and so I constantly battle myself to control stress. Because my weeks are so busy the next few weeks, I have checked my planner probably 100 times today. I'm happy I recognize it, and I hope that I can continue to get better about stressing out so easily. It's all about priorities. I just have to keep reminding myself what is really important.
  • Living so far away from my family. I know that 2 hours isn't that far, but I really wish I could just go visit them when I want to. I'm sure if I lived close, I'd be wishing the opposite. We're never satisfied, right?

As for the snow day, it was nice to stay in the house and be forced to just relax for a day. I missed my run because the rec center was closed, but tomorrow is the last day of week 5 and it is 2 whole miles! I'm nervous but super pumped! 

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