Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Beautiful Thing About Dirty Laundry

As of today Bryan and I have been together for 9 years. I truly can’t believe it has been that long. Recently a friend asked if we were “as perfect as we seem.” I have felt a little unsettled ever since hearing those words. The answer to that question is definitely not! I’m actually sorry we ever let people think that. It is important to me that you understand how imperfect we are because behind every secret is a thousand lies. I pray that you will find freedom in our transparency.

Bryan and I started dating when I was 16, and he was 20. We were babies! I would love to tell you that was the source of all our problems, but I would be lying. We aren’t babies anymore, and marriage is still really hard. In these nine years we have survived a long distance relationship, we have had premarital sex and then fought through stopping premarital sex for two years before marriage, we have both been unfaithful at different times in and outside of marriage, we have had trust issues, we have had control issues, we have had respect issues, we have been ready to walk away, and we have wondered if we made the right decision to be together…just to name a few things. These are not just past tense. These are real things that we struggle through every single day. Some are daily battles and others are scars, but they are not only in the past. They are now.

Let me share something beautiful with you.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

It isn’t comfortable for me to tell you how broken we are. I am not proud of that brokenness, but I can boast in it because He is glorified in it. I can come to my husband completely messed up because I am already accepted by God through what Jesus did for me.  I can air my dirty laundry because I am righteous and redeemed by His blood that makes it white as snow. There are a few reasons I believe that I am still married to the man of my dreams, and we are loving life together.

1. We learned to walk with God. There is a difference in believing in God and walking with Him. When I cheated on my husband I was leading a Bible study. I wasn’t walking with God. It is really easy to go through the motions to impress people, follow the rules, or look good on the outside. Walking with God is freedom, love, rest, and power. It is not sin, shame, fear, and guilt. It is not rules. It is not lies. It is amazing. You should try it.

2. We have incredible community. I believe wholeheartedly that our marriage would be much worse off without the couples that showed us what marriage should look like. These people spent hours with us pouring out truth, showing us the good and bad parts of their marriages, and loving us through the hard stuff. It started in premarital counseling and hasn’t stopped since. They have taught us that marriage is hard and wonderful and scary and beautiful and that we can do it. For some reason, I think our culture tells us we can’t do it. You can. Please believe that you can. People ask us a lot why we are still in Nacogdoches. This is why. These people we live life with are the best in the world.

3. We understand the purpose of marriage. This one is important. We believe without any doubt that marriage was designed to reflect the way Christ loves His church. Marriage was created to make you holy, not make you happy. Our culture is obsessed with things that make you happy. Because of the way you may have been influenced by that, this might make you a little mad. Frankly, I don’t care. I guarantee you that you will never find another human being that can make you happy all the time. We truly love living life together, but on the days, or even seasons, where we don’t love it as much I can rest assured that we will both still choose to love each other because we understand that loving each other is bigger than making each other happy. We understand that it is a choice that we have to make every day regardless of the temptations that show up to do otherwise. Our marriage is about something, Someone, way bigger than us. When I told Bryan that I cheated on him the very first thing he said was, “God forgave me so I forgive you.” He meant it. He has lived it every day since. That is grace. It is a beautiful picture of how God loves me. That is the purpose of marriage.

It would take a book to explain every detail of our story with you although I really wish I could. It is not secret; it is just too darn long to fit here. There are scars because we have been through a lot, and actions have consequences. There are still even temptations to run back to the same sins even though we know how destructive they are. We have to make decisions every day to protect our marriage from those things. We are not perfect, but we are redeemed, and our marriage is pretty stinking great these days. Here’s to many, many more sweet years with this man!

This was one of our first weeks at SFA. Doesn't my hubby look like such a handsome YOUNG man?!

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